Brazil land use map | IBGE | Land use map based on Modis (250mt) with comparisons between the years 2000, 2010 and 2012 | Access |
Clase Terra Cerrado | MMA, IBAMA, EMBRAPA, INPE, UFG e UFU | Map of the Use and Coverage of the Ground of the Cerrado | Access |
Mapping of the Upper Paraguay Basin | SOS Pantanal/WWF Brasil | Monitoring of the use and vegetation cover of the Upper Paraguay Basin, which includes the Pantanal and its headwaters. Data available for 2002, 2008, 2010, 2012 and 2014 | Access |
Map of the mangroves of the northern region of Brazil | Nascimento Jr, W.R; Souza-Filho, P.W.M., et al. | Map of mangrove areas from Oiapoque-AP to Ponta de Tubarão-MA generated from the classification of Landsat and ALOS PALSAR images of the year 2008 | Access |
Map of the mangroves of the northeast region of Brazil | Pereira, E.A., Souza-Filho, P.W.M., et al. | Map of mangrove areas from Ponta de Tubarão-MA to the south of the State of Bahia based on Landsat and ALOS PALSAR image classification of the year 2008 | Access |
Annual maps of agriculture for the Amazon. | Agrosatellite | Maps including cotton, corn and soybean crops, cultivated on a large scale, for the years/crop: 2000/2001, 2006/2007 and 2013/2014, 2016/2017 | Access |
Annual agricultural maps of the cerrado (project: Geospatial analysis of the dynamics of annual crops in the Brazilian Cerrado biome: 2000 to 2014) | Agrosatellite | Maps that include cotton, corn and soybean crops, cultivated on a large scale, for the years/crop: 2000/2001, 2006/2007 and 2013/2014. | Access |
Planted forest map | GFW/WRI | Map of planted forests for Brazil | Access |
III National Inventory of Greenhouse Gas Emissions (LUCUF sector) | MCTIC | Map of agricultural areas (annual, semi-perennial and perennial) | Access |
Cerrado Agriculture Maps | Agrosatellite | Map of the cultivated area of the 1st crop of soybeans, corn and cotton in the Cerrado biome | Access |
Land use mapping for the Cerrado and the Atlantic Forest | FBDS | Land use mapping for the Cerrado and the Atlantic Forest. Based on high-resolution RapidEye images with a resolution of 5 m. | Access |
Global Distribution of Mangroves USGS | USGS | This dataset shows the global distribution of mangrove forests, derived from Earth observation satellite imagery. | Access |
Abstract Brazil Pastures Map – v8 | LAPIG/UFG | Mapping of pasture areas, based on the compilation of data from TerraClass Amazon; funcar; PROBUS; Canasat and TNC. The mappings that comprise it are: Pantanal Biome – Mapping of the Alto Paraguay Basin for 2014; Caatinga Biome (Lapig Mapping – Version 2 2014-2016) – This mapping classified the areas of clean grass, dirty grass and degraded area (exposed soil); Biome of the Atlantic Forest (Lapig Mapping 2014-2016) – This mapping classified the areas of clean grass, dirty grass and degraded area (exposed soil); Pampa Biome – Mapping carried out by IBGE for the state of Rio Grande do Sul (2012); Amazon Biome – TerraClass Amazon Mapping 2014; Closed Biome – TerraClass Mapping Closed 2013. | Access |
Prodes | INPE | The PRODES project carries out satellite monitoring of total deforestation in the Legal Amazon and produces, since 1988, annual rates of deforestation in the region, which are used by the Brazilian government to establish public policies. The annual rates are estimated from the increases in deforestation identified in each satellite image that covers the Legal Amazon. The first presentation of data is made for December of each year, in the form of an estimate. Consolidated data is presented in the first half of the following year. | Access |
Terra Amazonia class | INPE | As the main result of this mapping, it is possible to understand the dynamics of use and coverage of the Brazilian Legal Amazon. For this, five years of use and coverage have already been mapped (2004, 2008, 2010, 2012 and 2014) that will allow an evolutionary analysis of a decade that begins in the year of the implementation of the Deforestation Prevention and Control Plan. . in the Legal Amazon (PPCDAm) . With these results it is possible to take stock of the dynamics of use and occupation of deforested areas in these 10 years of implementation of the PPCDAm. | Access |
Global forest change 2000–2015 | University of Maryland | Results of time series analysis of Landsat images to characterize the extent and change of global forests from 2000 to 2015. For additional information on these results, see the associated journal article (Hansen et al., Science 2013). | Access |
Rondonia Land Cover 1984 -2010 | University of California Santa Barbara (UCSB) | This project is part of a collaborative research effort between UCSB, the University of Salisbury (Maryland), and North Carolina State University. Under the direction of Principal Investigators Jill Caviglia-Harris, Daniel Harris (Salisbury), Erin Sills (NCSU), and Dar Roberts (UCSB), we have been active in producing and managing an annual archive of non-stop Landsat images (1984- 2009) that covers most of the state of Rondonia. | Access |
Venezuelan Guayana: Vegetation Map | Otto Huber | Vegetation map at scale 1: 2,000,000 of the Venezuelan Amazon based on the map by Otto Huber and Clara Alarcón: Vegetation map of Venezuela, at scale 1:2,000,000 from 1988. The map classifies the vegetation based on criteria biotic (physiognomy, phenology and floristic composition) and abiotic criteria (climate, substrate, hydrology and orographic position). | Access |
Venezuelan ecosystems | Ministry of Popular Power for the Environment | Map of the ecological systems of Venezuela. 62 ecosystems were identified, characterized and delimited at the ecological subregions level. Scale 1: 2,000,000 | Access |
Hydrographic units of Ecuador Level 5 | National Secretariat of Water (SENAGUA) | Map of territorial units where water, coming from the hydrological cycle, is captured, stored and available as surface water supply, its limits are established by the geographical division of rainfall waters. These units are structured and codified based on the Otto Pfafstetter methodology. Scale 1:50000 | Access |
Map of Coverage and Land Use of Continental Ecuador year 1990 | Ministry of the Environment of Ecuador (MAE) | It represents the land cover and use of Continental Ecuador for the year 1990. The first level of the legend corresponds to the 6 classes defined by the IPCC (Intergovernmental Group of Experts on Climate Change); The second level corresponds to 16 classes that were agreed upon through various workshops by the entities in charge of generating information on land cover: Ministry of the Environment (MAE), Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Aquaculture and Fisheries (MAGAP), Ecuadorian Space Institute (IEE). The results of the land cover and use map, scale 1:100,000 for the year 1990, are presented in the document “Ministry of the Environment, (2016). Analysis of deforestation in continental Ecuador 1990 – 2014. Quito – Ecuador”. | Access |
Map of Coverage and Land Use of Continental Ecuador year 2000 | Ministry of the Environment of Ecuador (MAE) | It represents the land cover and use of Continental Ecuador for the year 2000. The first level of the legend corresponds to the 6 classes defined by the IPCC (Intergovernmental Group of Experts on Climate Change); The second level corresponds to 16 classes that were agreed upon through various workshops by the entities in charge of generating information on land cover: Ministry of the Environment (MAE), Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Aquaculture and Fisheries (MAGAP), Ecuadorian Space Institute (IEE). The results of the land cover and use map, scale 1:100,000 for the year 2000, are presented in the document “Ministry of the Environment, (2016). Analysis of deforestation in continental Ecuador 1990 – 2014. Quito – Ecuador”. | Access |
Map of Coverage and Land Use of Continental Ecuador year 2008 | | It represents the land cover and use of Continental Ecuador for the year 2008. The first level of the legend corresponds to the 6 classes defined by the IPCC (Intergovernmental Group of Experts on Climate Change); The second level corresponds to 16 classes that were agreed upon through various workshops by the entities in charge of generating information on land cover: Ministry of the Environment (MAE), Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Aquaculture and Fisheries (MAGAP), Ecuadorian Space Institute (IEE). The results of the land cover and use map, scale 1:100,000 for the year 2008, are presented in the document “Ministry of the Environment, (2016). Analysis of deforestation in continental Ecuador 1990 – 2014. Quito – Ecuador”. | Access |
Map of Coverage and Land Use of Continental Ecuador year 2014 | Ministerio del Ambiente de Ecuador (MAE) | It represents the land cover and use of Continental Ecuador for the year 2014. The first level of the legend corresponds to the 6 classes defined by the IPCC (Intergovernmental Group of Experts on Climate Change); The second level corresponds to 16 classes that were agreed upon through various workshops by the entities in charge of generating information on land cover: Ministry of the Environment (MAE), Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Aquaculture and Fisheries (MAGAP), Ecuadorian Space Institute (IEE). This map is a modified version of the 2013-2014 land use and coverage map generated between MAE – MAGAP, due to the fact that it is necessary to compare spatially with the 2008 historical map, to calculate the 2008-2014 deforestation rate. The results of the land cover and use map, scale 1:100,000 for the year 2014, are presented in the document “Ministry of the Environment, (2016). Analysis of deforestation in continental Ecuador 1990 – 2014. Quito – Ecuador”. | Access |
Map of Coverage and Land Use of Continental Ecuador year 2016 | Ministry of the Environment of Ecuador (MAE) | It represents the land cover and use of Continental Ecuador for the year 2016. The first level of the legend corresponds to the 6 classes defined by the IPCC (Intergovernmental Group of Experts on Climate Change); The second level corresponds to 16 classes that were agreed upon through various workshops by the entities in charge of generating information on land cover: Ministry of the Environment (MAE), Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Aquaculture and Fisheries (MAGAP), Ecuadorian Space Institute (IEE). The results of the land cover and use map, scale 1:100,000 for the year 2016, are presented in the document “Ministry of the Environment, (2017). Deforestation of continental Ecuador period 2014-2016. Quito – Ecuador”. It represents the land cover and use of Continental Ecuador for the year 2016. The first level of the legend corresponds to the 6 classes defined by the IPCC (Intergovernmental Group of Experts on Climate Change); The second level corresponds to 16 classes that were agreed upon through various workshops by the entities in charge of generating information on land cover: Ministry of the Environment (MAE), Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Aquaculture and Fisheries (MAGAP), Ecuadorian Space Institute (IEE). The results of the land cover and use map, scale 1:100,000 for the year 2016, are presented in the document “Ministry of the Environment, (2017). Deforestation of continental Ecuador period 2014-2016. Quito, Ecuador”. | Access |
Map of Coverage and Land Use of Continental Ecuador year 2018 | Ministry of the Environment of Ecuador (MAE) | It represents the land cover and use of Continental Ecuador for the year 2018. The first level of the legend corresponds to the 6 classes defined by the IPCC (Intergovernmental Group of Experts on Climate Change); The second level corresponds to 16 classes that were agreed upon through various workshops by the entities in charge of generating information on land cover: Ministry of the Environment (MAE), Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Aquaculture and Fisheries (MAGAP), Ecuadorian Space Institute (IEE). | Access |
Map of biogeographic sectors of Ecuador | Ministry of the Environment of Ecuador (MAE) | Map of large areas with bioclimatic, physiographic and geomorphological entity that have species and sometimes also exclusive genera, as well as plant associations, series, geoseries and altitudinal cliseries of their own. Map made as part of the Continental Ecuador Vegetation Map Project. | Access |
Map of Ecosystems of Continental Ecuador. | Ministry of the Environment of Ecuador (MAE) | Map of groups of vegetation communities at the local scale that tend to coexist within landscapes with similar biophysical variables, environmental gradients, and dynamic processes. Scale 1:100,000. | Access |
Ecosystems of the North and Central Andes. Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Venezuela. | Josse, Carmen & Cuesta, Francisco & Navarro, Gonzalo & Barrena, Víctor & Cabrera, Edersson & Chacón-Moreno, Eulogio & Ferreira, Wanderley & Peralvo, Manuel & J. y Tovar A., Saito. | Progress in the identification and classification of the ecosystems of the Tropical Andes. This publication is the result of the work of research institutions from the countries of the Andean Community and Venezuela, who have compiled information, identified the Andean ecosystems, and generated a standardized classification scheme. | Access |
Deforestation and regeneration at the provincial level of the period 1990 – 2000 of continental Ecuador | Ministry of the Environment of Ecuador (MAE) | Spatial distribution of deforestation or forest regrowth dynamics in the continental territory of Ecuador, based on land cover and use maps, scale 1:100,000 for the years 1990 and 2000. | Access |
Deforestation and regeneration at the provincial level of the period 2000 – 2008 of continental Ecuador | Ministry of the Environment of Ecuador (MAE) | Spatial distribution of deforestation or forest regrowth dynamics in the continental territory of Ecuador, based on land cover and use maps, scale 1:100,000 for the years 2000 and 2008. | Access |
Deforestation and regeneration at the provincial level of the period 2008 – 2014 of continental Ecuador | Ministry of the Environment of Ecuador (MAE) | Spatial distribution of deforestation or forest regrowth dynamics in the continental territory of Ecuador, based on land cover and use maps, scale 1:100,000 for the years 2008 and 2014. | Access |
Deforestation and regeneration at the provincial level of the period 2014 – 2016 of continental Ecuador | Ministry of the Environment of Ecuador (MAE) | Spatial distribution of deforestation or forest regrowth dynamics in the continental territory of Ecuador, based on land cover and use maps, scale 1:100,000 for the years 2014 and 2016. | Access |
Deforestation and regeneration at the provincial level of the period 2016 – 2018 of continental Ecuador | Ministry of the Environment of Ecuador (MAE) | Spatial distribution of deforestation or forest regrowth dynamics in the continental territory of Ecuador, based on land cover and use maps, scale 1:100,000 for the years 2016 and 2018. | Access |
Hole-filled SRTM for the globe Version 4 | Jarvis, A., H.I. Reuter, A. Nelson, E. Guevara | Digital elevation data for the entire world, corrected to fill in the gaps. They have a resolution of 90 meters in regions of the equatorial line and are distributed in 5 x 5 degree charts. | Access |
Limits of the Territorial Organization of the State (Ecuador) | National Committee of Internal Limits (CONALI) | Map of the layout of the internal limits of the territorial organization of the State of Ecuador, made on the basis of a legal and geographical diagnosis approved by the National Committee of Internal Limits (CONALI) | Access |
National Map of Ecosystems (Peru) | SIGMINAM-DGOTA, 2018 | The National Map of Ecosystems identifies thirty-six (36) continental ecosystems of the national territory: eleven (11) for the tropical forest region, three (3) for the yunga, eleven (11) for the Andean region, nine (9) for the coast and two (2) aquatic ecosystems. | Access |
Map of Hydrographic Regions of Peru | MINAM-ANA, 2009 | This map shows the availability of water in Peru by Hydrographic Region, according to the National Water Authority – ANA. | Access |
Peru wetlands map | MINAM, 2010 | National map on the distribution of wetlands in Peru comprised of 04 large units: 1) Aguajales and swamps; and 2) mangroves; 3) Wetlands and 4) Coastal wetlands. | Access |
Vegetation Cover Map | MINAM, 2015 | The National Map of Vegetation Cover is made up of spatial units defined and classified based on geographic, physiognomic, humidity and exceptionally floristic conditions. | Access |
Ecoregions Map | SIGMINAM-DGOTA, 2017 | Prepared by the General Directorate of Environmental Territorial Planning from the bibliographical base of the 11 ecoregions of Dr. Antonio Brack Egg. | Access |
Map of Ecological Systems of the Amazon | CAN, 2008 | This map represents a grouping of the ecological systems of the Amazon Basin of Peru. Contains the classification of each ecological system, the category and the grouping of each characteristic plant association. | Access |
Raster Use and Change of Use 2000-2005 | PNCBMCC-MINAM | Raster showing land use in the years 2000 and 2005 at two different classification levels. In the first level it uses the IPCC classes and in the second it assigns a field called Subclasses. Likewise, it presents a field that shows the transitions of the uses between the years mapped in its two different levels. | Access |
Raster Use and Change of Use 2005-2011 | PNCBMCC-MINAM | Raster that shows land uses in the years 2005 and 2011 at two different classification levels. In the first level it uses the IPCC classes and in the second it assigns a field called Subclasses. Likewise, it presents a field that shows the transitions of the uses between the years mapped in its two different levels. | Access |
Raster Use and Change of Use 2011-2013 | PNCBMCC-MINAM | Raster that shows land use in the years 2011 and 2013 at two different classification levels. In the first level it uses the IPCC classes and in the second it assigns a field called Subclasses. Likewise, it presents a field that shows the transitions of the uses between the years mapped in its two different levels. | Access |
Raster Use and Change of Use 2013-2016 | PNCBMCC-MINAM | Raster that shows land use in the years 2013 and 2016 at two different classification levels. In the first level it uses the IPCC classes and in the second it assigns a field called Subclasses. Likewise, it presents a field that shows the transitions of the uses between the years mapped in its two different levels. | Access |
Forest and non-forest raster 2000 – Forest loss 2001 – 2017 | PNCBMCC-MINAM | The raster presents the forest area for the year 2017, the non-forest area for the year 2000, and the accumulated forest loss since the year 2001. | Access |
Forest/non-forest map 2013 for Colombia | IDEAM | Forest Non-Forest Map Colombia- Continental Area (LANDSAT Fine Scale) Year 2013. | Access |
Forest/non-forest map 2012 for Colombia | IDEAM | Forest Non-Forest Map Colombia- Continental Area (LANDSAT Fine Scale) Year 2012. | Access |
Forest change map 2012-2013 for Colombia | IDEAM | Forest Change Map Colombia- Continental Area (LANDSAT Fine Scale) Period 2012 – 2013 | Access |
Forest/non-forest map 2014 for Colombia | IDEAM | Forest Non-Forest Map Colombia- Continental Area (LANDSAT Fine Scale) Year 2014. | Access |
Forest/non-forest map 2010 for Colombia | IDEAM | Forest Non-Forest Map Colombia- Continental Area (LANDSAT Fine Scale) Year 2010. | Access |
Forest/non-forest map 2005 for Colombia | IDEAM | Forest Non-Forest Map Colombia- Continental Area (LANDSAT Fine Scale) Year 2005. | Access |
Forest/non-forest map 2000 for Colombia | IDEAM | Forest Non-Forest Map Colombia- Continental Area (LANDSAT Fine Scale) Year 2000. | Access |
Land cover 2005 – 2009 | IDEAM | Land Cover Map Corine Land Cover Methodology Adapted for Colombia Scale 1:100,000 Period 2005 – 2009. | Access |
Land cover 2000 – 2002 | IDEAM | Land Cover Map Corine Land Cover Methodology Adapted for Colombia Scale 1:100,000 Period 2000 – 2002. | Access |
Ecosystems 2012 | SINCHI | Ecosystem map of the Amazon at a scale of 1:100,000. | Access |
Amazon land cover 2014 | SINCHI | Amazon land cover map at 1:100,000 scale. | Access |
Amazon land cover 2012 | SINCHI | Amazon land cover map at 1:100,000 scale. | Access |
Amazon land cover 2007 | SINCHI | Amazon land cover map at 1:100,000 scale. | Access |
Amazon land cover 2002 | SINCHI | Amazon land cover map at 1:100,000 scale | Access |
Transformed area of the Amazon 2012 | SINCHI | Map of transformed areas in the Amazon. | Access |
Transformed area of the Amazon 2007 | SINCHI | Map of transformed areas in the Amazon. | Access |
Transformed area of the Amazon 2002 | SINCHI | Map of Transformed area of the Amazon | Access |
Agricultural border 2012 – 2014 | SINCHI | Agricultural border map 2012-2014. | Access |
Map of Forest – No Forest and Deforestation in the Colombian Amazon | RAISG | Map showing deforested areas in the period 2005 – 2010 – 2015. | Access |
Referential international limits | RAISG | Map of referential international limits of the countries of the Amazon basin. | Access |
Resource map | Guyana’s National Land Use Plan | “This mapping and data was compiled by The Guyana Forestry Commission (GFC) in 2001 (ter Steege 2001) and was based on the FAO soil survey mapping from the 1960s but correlated with other regional forest maps and updated imagery. .” | Access |
National Vegetation | Guyana’s National Land Use Plan | “This mapping and data was compiled by The Guyana Forestry Commission (GFC) in 2001 (ter Steege 2001) and was based on the FAO soil survey mapping from the 1960s but correlated with other regional forest maps and updated imagery. .” | Access |
Deforestation areas 1990-2011 | Guyana’s National Land Use Plan | Not available | Access |
Land use / Land cover 2012 | The National Land Use Plan of Guyana Summary | Not available | Access |
Land use summary | WWF, ONF Guyane and Parc Amazonien de Guyane (PAG) | Not available | Access |
Land use | (2008) Notices bibliographiques. EchoGéo. DOI: 10.4000/echogeo.7353 | Not available | Access |
Landscape types | (2011) V. Gond et al. DOI: 10.1016/j.jag.2011.01.004 | Not available | Access |
Land use and land cover after deforestation 2000-2017 | GONINI Sistema Nacional de Monitoreo de Tierras de Surinam | This maps shows the land use and/or land cover after deforestation for the years 2009, 2013, 2015 and 2017. The map was produced in a participatory process with the different national stakeholders. | Access |
National land use and land cover | GONINI Sistema Nacional de Monitoreo de Tierras de Surinam | This map shows the national Land Use Land Cover of 2015. SBB, NIMOS and other relevant key partners created this map in close collaboration. The process to create the map involves: work sessions with the key partners where the classes are defined, field validation and image interpretation and classification using ancillary data. | Access |
Vegetation | GONINI Sistema Nacional de Monitoreo de Tierras de Surinam | This map was produced within the Conservation International/KFW project “Avoided deforestation through consolidation and creation of protected areas and forest carbon financing mechanisms in the Guiana region”. The map was created by SarVision based on ALOS PALSAR images. | Access |
Map of coverage and current land use Bolivia, 2010 | VT-MDRT, 2011 | The map is a technical instrument that describes, in terms of land cover, all existing resources in Bolivia, identifying the current use for each category of cover. | Access |